
MEV Capital is a digital asset management and research company operating in the public blockchain environment, specializing in Decentralized Finance (DeFi).


Who we are

Our team comprises DeFi-native experts with extensive experience and expertise in investment banking, derivatives trading, quantitative analysis, and blockchain security and development.

Laurent Bourquin

GP | Chief Investment Officer

Former investment banking analyst from a top-tier EU bank, with extensive knowledge of investment management and Blockchain economics, Laurent is a french crypto early bird. He was responsible for Market-Making activities on several centralized crypto exchanges from 2017 to 2020 before co-founding MEV Capital, where he supervises the funds’ activity across decentralized applications. Laurent holds a BSc. in International Finance and an MSc. in Econometrics from Shanghai University of Finance..

Gytis Trilikauskis

GP | Chief Operating Officer

Gytis comes from a background in Economics and Cryptocurrency. Earlier in his career, Gytis worked as a market researcher building economic indices, and drafting structural improvement models. In 2017, he transitioned to crypto having worked for early-stage crypto startups, crypto service providers, blockchain security companies before discovering DeFi in 2020. Gytis holds a BSc. in Economics from ISM University of Management and Economics.

Nassim Alexandre

GP | Digital Asset Manager

Nassim has 8 years of experience as a Financial analyst. He worked for 4 years as a consultant at KPMG, specialized in large-scale transformation projects for multiple European banks, prior to dedicating his time in the Blockchain industry. At MEV Capital, Nassim supervises the development of the MEV Capital EMEA branch, and supports the Asset Management team in asset allocation & protocol research. He holds an Msc. in Computer Science from Ingetis Paris.

Xavier Guenard

Chief Technology Officer

Xavier, an expert in programming, data science, and optimization, began his career as a software engineer. He co-founded a startup specializing in anomaly detection for financial trades using AI. Transitioning seamlessly into the cryptocurrency domain, he co-founded an NFT marketplace. Now serving as the CTO at MEV Capital, Xavier drives innovation with his expertise in programming, Web3, database management, and cloud computing. He holds an MSc in Applied Mathematics from Universite de Versailles and pursued studies at Ecole Polytechnique.

George Dinenis

Derivatives Trader

George has an exceptional track record as a trader from some of the top institutions in the world, most recently at Deustche Bank. He brings his experience from traditional finance to MEV Capital asset management team focusing on Market neutral LP strategies and derivatives trading. He has a Msc. in Financial Engineering from MIT and Msc. in Theoretical Physics from Imperial College.

Guillaume Dupont

Solidity Developer

Guillaume is a crypto native software engineer, solidity developer, and Ethereum node runner. His main fields of competence are software architecture and smart contract development. Guillaume previously worked as a smart contract engineer at Natixis Bank (BPCE Group) and has experience working with crypto start-ups. Guillaume holds an International Entrepreneurship MSc. from EDC Paris Business School and a Bsc. of Computer Science from Ecole 42.

Steve Nguyen

Operations Manager

Steve is operations lead with strong expertise in B2B sales and key account management from working with top-tier financial institutions globally - BNP Paribas, Harris Corporate Solutions and Euromonitor International. At MEV Capital, Steve oversees day-to-day business operations, client relationships and process management. He holds a Msc. in Finance from Fudan University in China.

Justas Pangonis

Head of Legal

Justas has a track record of leading teams, building legal infrastructure, and executing business strategies in crypto-native companies. Prior to joining MEV Capital, Justas worked as Head of Legal Affairs and was in charge of creating and implementing a legal infrastructure for international businesses to tokenize real-world assets through debt instruments in Switzerland. At MEV Capital, Justas primarily manages compliance and is in charge of legal affairs. Justas has a dual Bsc. of Laws in Civil English law and International Comparative law from IE University.

Patrik Lukas Veksler

IT Engineer

Patrik got into crypto in early 2017 and has been actively researching the blockchain space and trading cryptocurrencies and crypto derivatives. Meanwhile, he accumulated professional experience working in various companies, including banks, software development companies, and crypto startups. He joined MEV Capital in the early stage as an IT analyst and software developer. Patrik holds a Bsc. of Computer Science from the University of London.

Pierre Fernier

Quant | Backend engineer

Pierre Fernier works as a software engineer designing, deploying, and maintaining algorithmic modules on DeFi protocols. He joined MEV Capital as a DevOps engineer and is responsible for quantitative strategy formulation, latency optimization, and web3.0 integration. Additionally, Pierre assists the Asset Management team in developing risk-monitoring tools and portfolio KPIs. Pierre has an Msc. in Mathematics & Modelisation from Sorbonne University and is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Mathematics at ENPC.

What we do

MEV Capital is a leading digital asset management firm specializing in market-neutral DeFi investment strategies. With a proven track record of delivering competitive results, we employ dynamic approaches to generate returns through liquidity provision, arbitrage, on-chain liquidations, and option derivatives.

